Lunchbox Drawings – October 2014 Part 1

Here is the first installment of the October lunchbox drawings for Ruby.  I find this an excellent exercise to keep working.  Sometimes it is a little hard to keep drawing everyday unless you give yourself a task.  Of course, at the same time this has supplanted my morning workout.  It was either that or I’m waking up at 4:00am which is early even for me.  At some point I’ll work out how to get both done.  Right now it is a bit of a struggle.

So a little backstory on these… We all went to the beach for the weekend where we saw peacocks, hence those drawings.  The Fib and Ruby drawing is from a book that my daughter made.  Apparently Ruby has a giant pet spider with wings that sits on her head.  I think I feel another book coming on!  And then there is robot cat, which I got inspired from one of my daughter’s drawings of a robot cat.  I’m never at a loss for ideas but it is nice to know she always has my back in that department.

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