In keeping with the workflow I’ve set over the past four years, I painted another page for Franklin and Nunu, making that into this years Christmas card. I had the brilliant idea a few years ago that since I complete a new Christmas card illustration every year, I should start working towards an end result. I figure in about 8 to 10 years from now I should have the book done unless I decide to take some time and just get the whole thing completed. That might be a better way to go since there is a considerable effort at the end of each year to try to match what I did before and not fall victim to the natural progression/evolution in my work. I can already see some areas I’ll have to adjust when it comes to putting the final book together. There were subtle changes to the way I handled the design of Franklin and Nunu. Oh well. That is the perils of waiting a year between panels. Here are the sketch. I blew up the strongest of my thumbnails and did a draw over to tighten up the details and work out some of the lighting and shading. Below it is the final painting.