Category Archives: Animals

Corgi Charcoal Stage Complete

I finished the charcoal stage on my latest animal painting.  I’ve started completing this stage in a few steps now as well.  I am now getting about 90-95 percent complete with my first stage charcoals, spray-fixing heavily, and then coming back in with white colored pencil to push my whites and details further.  I might also start incorporating black colored pencils here in the future as well just to give myself a little more precision in places.  I’m a little concerned with the block patterning in the background and will probably end up pushing that back with value and cool colors, just to pop Mr Corgi out a bit.  Now, on to color studies!


Working on the Animals Again

I’m starting work on my animal series again and hoping that I can get the bulk of it finished in a few more months.  Not sure if I am still intending to do an ABC animal book or not but we’ll have to see how things play out.  I’m working on a Corgi right now, still pretty small scale at 5″ x 7″, and just plugging away on the charcoals.  You can see a little of my process here where I’ve gridded off my toned canvas and am working up from my digital comp.  As I go I make small alterations to lighting and details to try to unify all the various elements and direct the viewer eye as best as I can.  For purposes of the novella to go along with the work I’m also trying to incorporate more backgrounds now, applying the advice I give to my students that a good environment is key in establishing a place in space and time and can affect the appearance of the subject quite a bit.  I’ll try to keep posting the work as I go.


Painting of Female Mongoose

Finished the painting for my female mongoose for the annual Fullsail art show.  I initially was sticking with my reference and made the eye color a brownish red, which looked decent but I felt it needed more pop so I went back and pushed in a bright green.  The green island surrounded by the reddish brown fur popped a lot better and I liked the idea of it meeting the color of the dress.  I was a little worried about the design on the dress coming through or taking forever but that worked out well also.  I love it when a plan yada yada yada.

Funny thing, I did a linoleum cut print and some calligraphy that took me far less time and effort and everyone so far is responding to that more.  Makes me a little sad inside that my girl here, Isabella de la Salle, isn’t getting as much love.  When I’m working on these paintings, I always imagine a back story to go along with the character and it makes them a little closer to my heart, knowing who they are.  Maybe it is a good thing as I’m not ready to say goodbye to her yet.


Charcoal of female mongoose

It was brought to my attention that I have not done any female animals yet so I though I would create my next painting of a female mongoose.  It took a little while finding the right reference and adjusting it to work but so far the charcoals are looking about where I want them to be.  I only have a few more days to finish this one as I am trying to get this into our next art show.  I gelled it up last night so it is ready to paint tomorrow.  I’m thinking about pushing the wall back a bit, darkening the value to push a little more shadow into it when I’m applying the color so that my lady will pop a bit more.  Still not set on a color scheme but lately I’ve been gravitating towards teal for my shadows.  Have to see when I bang away on the color studies.


Painting of the Bears Of Sousceyrac

I am finally happy with the way the Bears of Sousceyrac turned out.  It took considerably longer than anticipated.  I actually went to some painter colleagues and got some feedback on this one.  It has been a while since I really pressed for harsh critique but it was well worth it as they pointed out some things that were right there under my nose like some troubling contrast issues and a bit of tangency.  Sometimes you get that blind spot and have trouble seeing what is right in front of you.  In any case, the actual name of this piece is “The Bears of Sousceyrac are simple and industrious”  I’m sure I’ll be posting about this again once we have our show which is at Hannibals on the second week in March.  There promises to be a lot of really excellent work at this show!


Charcoal of the Bears Of Sousceyrac

Had to take another break from Ruby June to work on a painting for a show with a French theme.  I figured there would be plenty of images of the traditional French fare and so decided to theme this piece with my other animal work, placing it in the French countryside.  A while back I came across a book of illustrations on architecture in rural France and was really taken by the unique rustic look and so thought that would be a great setting.  This piece is only the second I have done with any real level of detail in the environment and I am very excited to see if I can push out further into that. The only trouble I’ve run into with this piece, if you can even call it trouble, is that the fur doesn’t have the same level of detail as other elements in the work.  I figure I can push on it when I get to the painting, though, and so am not overly concerned.  I usually cover up a lot of the finer detail in the painting anyway and so do not want to spend too much time refining it.

I did like the way the way the hard eraser worked for me in the pulling out of the grasses in the foreground.  That is a little experiment that actually turned out better than I anticipated, layering in all the value and detail and then just pulling out the grass.

Once I complete this piece, I should be back onto the Ruby June book.  It is weighing on me that I haven’t been able to bring it to completion yet.


Vulture Painting

So I decided to work on a “V” animal as there were few animals to choose from and I needed an easy call.  This one has been really causing me serious difficulties.  First, when I fixed and gelled over the top of it, I lost a LOT of contrast… so much so that I had to rebuild a lot of it from the scan of the charcoals I took before the gelling.  Then there was the background.  First I chose to go with a low saturation purple to try an analogous color scheme but I lost the character in it to a large extent.  I had to re-paint the background with a low saturation green.  That worked a lot better and, being complimentary with the red in the head, popped the character out front more.

Now that I am looking at the edge of the fur coat, I’m thinking this might need just one more quick pass to break up the fur contour.  Still, this is close enough to done to post.


Vulture Charcoals

Having another productive day so I’m going to make up for the lack of posts over the week and post two today!  Just finished the value pass on this fellow.  Decided to jump ahead and work on the vulture for the ABC animal book.  Was a little worried about the merging of the textures in the fur of the coat and the feathers around the neck.  I think they turned out good for the value pass and I should be able to further differentiate them when I apply the color in the painting stage.  I’m not sure who this guy is yet though I’m certain he will tell me before long.  Just have to spend a little time with him.  Could be a performer in a theater troupe.  Or a young nobleman just off the road.  Only time will tell.


toad painting

In place of my William Cooper progress (short on time and progress today) I’m going to post this guy.  I finished this frog a little while ago but never posted him to tumblr.  This was, I believe, the second animal painting I finished, before the project became a book idea.  At this point I was still working hard to fill my daughter’s wall with small paintings of animals since the huge whimsical painting of Princess Burlap Sack turned out to be too much for her to bear.  In any case, this fellow spoke to me and told me he is a wine merchant.


Hippo painting

Look who has decided to join the crew.  I had a pretty productive day, got this fellow painted and plugged away on another charcoal book panel.  Hooray for setting unrealistic goals and sticking to them!  I might go in and push on this guy just a little more but for the time being I think he is where he should be.
