I’ve been so wrapped up in the progress of this latest painting that I have neglected to post in a bit. I started a larger painting, 30″ x 40″ showcasing a few animals together in one scene. This image depicts our captain and a few of his mates collecting a prize ship. The mock-up took a while and there are still areas in the comp that I’m going to have to work through on the fly, matching lighting, refining detail, and the like. Regardless, I finished blocking in most of the image and am now pushing in a little more value range and refinement in the details. There is a long way to go and I grit my teeth whenever I look at it now but then, as my colleague Johannah said to me, “It looks bad until it doesn’t.” I’m going to try to remember that wisdom and plow ahead. I will try to be a little more regular with my progress here.